Now is the time for marketers to invest and lead with purpose.

“Making the case for your brand (especially now)”

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We face unprecedented times, with unparalleled pressures on businesses, not-for-profits and society at large. How should marketing leaders react to today’s pandemic-induced downturn? Cut back or double down? Change tactics or stay the course? They’re all options.

History tells us that the brands that are able to invest smartly through periods of recession and depression can grow revenues, market share and impact. In “Making the case for your brand (especially now)” we’ve pulled together resources including:

  • Data from several peer-reviewed studies indicating the impacts of marketing investment during recessionary times.
  • A set of guiding principles for activating your brand voice now.

Below you’ll find additional resources that may be helpful as you set and defend your marketing budgets and determine priorities. We welcome you to share these materials within your organization or beyond.

Getting it right: a discussion with Justin Angle

PartnersCreative’s Strategy Director Kevin Keohane and Creative Director Sean Benton were recent guests on an episode of “A New Angle,” a podcast hosted by Justin Angle, professor of marketing at the University of Montana. They talked about the challenges and opportunities of marketing in difficult economic times, and also touched on examples of companies that have gotten it right (and companies that have missed the mark). Give it a listen.

A New Angle · Making the case for your brand with PartnersCreative

Want to talk it through?

We invite you to set up a one-on-one consultation with Kevin Keohane. Just select a time on the calendar below, and let us know a little about the challenges you’re facing in your marketing, internal engagement or other communications initiatives. We’ll email you a Zoom meeting invitation to talk with Kevin. These conversations are at no cost.

Schedule a consultation


Marketing in a recession: additional resources

Here are a few more articles and resources that may help as you work to determine the messaging, tactics and spend that will be most effective for your organization at this time.