

Senior Traffic & Production Manager


Doing perfect work takes the entire team — each doing our best, outlandishly creative or nitpicking detail-oriented, and each watching teammates’ backs. While it’s key to do all this efficiently, the details of deadlines, vendor specs, client goals and creative’s mission are all crucial. It all must work together, seamlessly.


A native of Sacramento, Shannon moved to Montana with her parents her sophomore year of college and since then — save for a one-year foray back to California — this country-girl-at-heart has not left the Treasure State. After spending several years in banking, Shannon started at PartnersCreative in 2000 when it was a tiny office and small staff, quickly putting her organizational talents to work.


After stepping away from the work world to raise her daughter, returning to the agency, moving to Sacramento and then spending a number of years back in the banking industry, Shannon left the world of ledgers behind to turn a part-time photography business into a full-time enterprise. Her reputation for photographing horses, in particular, led to assignments all over the country and, in a few cases, the world.


But, the call of PartnersCreative — actually, the insistence of Susan — was too strong to ignore and Shannon returned to the agency in 2017 for her fourth tour of duty. Her acumen with numbers and details and her project management skills, coupled with her eye for the creative, have proven invaluable assets for more than 10 years, combined.


Nothing gets Shannon’s giddyup up like the subject of horses. She’s bred horses, raised horses, photographed horses and ridden horses for years. She’s particularly partial to Arabians, because of their versatility and how strongly they bond with their owners …


… like her two border collies. She’s bred only one litter of her favorite breed of canine because it’s just too hard to let them go. She photographs the rambunctious herders every chance she gets.


Photography isn’t just a side profession for Shannon, it’s a passion. She loves just about everything about it. (Interesting how her big-three passions connect, isn’t it?)


Sentinel High School Wind Ensemble parent volunteer and photographer
Arabian Horse Association certified mentor
Meadow Hill Middle School band parent volunteer and photographer (past)
Arabian Horse Camp host for residents of Watson Children’s Shelter (past)
Sapphire Arabian Horse Club board officer (past)
Five Valleys Arabian Horse Club board officer (past)


University of Montana B.A., psychology; minor in business communications