
People walker


Just because the cats have always refused to play with me in the past doesn’t mean that they won’t eventually play with me someday. As the old investment saying goes, past returns don’t guarantee future results.


Loki was born on the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing. But it was a botched landing that ultimately brought the moon-white Siberian husky into the life of our operations director, Jody.


At the time, Jody wasn’t even sure she was ready for a dog. It had been almost a decade since Takoda, her first Siberian, had died. Jody had been watching a breeder friend’s Facebook feed and kept seeing updates and pictures of Loki’s litter, which the breeder had dubbed the Apollo Pack. Little Loki was originally destined for a life in the Arizona heat. But when the adopter’s plans fell through, Jody knew it was meant to be. Within a week Loki was on a plane from Michigan to Montana.


When Jody picked him up at the airport, he hugged her, placing his paws around her neck and tucking in his nose. Just like Takoda used to do. Cosmic, eh?


What did you destroy today?


Tell me how much you love to play in the snow.


How many people and animals did you meet on your walk?


Santa’s Little Helpers gift-wrap remover

Neighborhood Squirrel Watch leader-in-training


Self-taught (aka child prodigy) Skills include artistic self-expression by using craft paint and his own body to paint the house, and turning on the TV via the remote by using his powerful teeth (who needs opposable thumbs?).